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Reem Makari
Dec 31, 20216 min read
22 life lessons to take with you into 2022
As the year comes to a close, here are some life lessons to take with you into 2022.

Lucy Brown
Dec 30, 20213 min read
It's time to start opening more conversations about deaf awareness
Naomi Smart speaks with Kindred about why the deaf community continues to seek more representation across media platforms.

Leslie Angela Blanco
Dec 23, 20214 min read
Top 5 ways to start reducing food waste
This Christmas season, Kindred is listing ways in which we can all reduce our waste and consumption when it comes to food.

Kate Byng-Hall
Dec 21, 20215 min read
Instagram exposed: Young women’s reality of a toxic addiction
The reality of how Instagram can have a negative mental health impact on many young social media users easily influenced by the app.

Janet Osayande
Dec 16, 20215 min read
Your guide to shopping from independent brands this Christmas
Kindred has compiled the perfect guide for last-minute gifts, all from independent small businesses and suitable for any budget.

Babajide Osikoya
Dec 14, 20213 min read
How to make running a positive experience
Running can be seen as intimidating and as a result, people are left out from all its benefits - especially towards mental health.
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Gassy Traore
Dec 9, 20213 min read
How I romanticised my day to day life
Romanticising your life is more than a dreamy walk in Paris, it’s a whole mindset. It’s a need to make even the most mundane tasks shiny.

Laila Hodd
Dec 7, 20213 min read
Tips for surviving the festive period with an eating disorder
This intense period of social interaction can be stressful and it is vital to remind ourselves of a few things as we head into December.
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Leslie Angela Blanco
Dec 6, 20216 min read
Taking a look back at Tyler Perry's Higher is Waiting spiritual guidebook
Tyler Perry takes us on a journey from his obscure and often traumatic beginnings to the success he has attained, almost miraculously.

Lucy Brown
Dec 5, 20213 min read
How to stay vigilant of spiking this holiday season
Spiking has dominated headlines this year and these merry festivities come with an increased risk of falling victim to spiked drinks.

Reem Makari
Dec 1, 20213 min read
We have to remind young LGBTQ+ people to keep learning on World Aids Day
On World AIDS Day, 1 December 2021, the LGBTQ+ community and its allies gather to remember millions of lives lost to this epidemic.

Babajide Osikoya
Nov 30, 20212 min read
Big boys do cry: men’s mental health awareness month
As men’s mental health awareness month draws to a close, we would like to remind you why its message must continue.

Janet Osayande
Nov 25, 20214 min read
How parental deployment can affect a child's mental health
Naomi J., 23, and her sister Sophia, 19, spent their entire lives as military children, relocating around the UK depending on where their...

Janet Osayande
Nov 23, 20213 min read
The struggles of starting a journalism career during the Covid-19 pandemic
A journalism graduate reflects on the difficulties she faced trying to find a job during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Janet Osayande & Babajide Osikoya
Nov 22, 20214 min read
No Role Modelz: Why we shouldn’t be idolising celebrity relationships
Worshiping celebrity couples has become a new cultural norm in recent years, particularly since the rise of social media.

Gassy Traore
Nov 11, 20213 min read
Why people suffer from seasonal depression and how you can get yourself through it
Virginia Mealor, a therapeutic counsellor, sat down to talk with Kindred. about SAD and ways to try and combat it.
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