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Emma Green
Apr 20, 202210 min read
A guide to emulating the Cottagecore lifestyle without having to move out to the sticks
When I was eighteen years old, I moved to London to go to university. It had been a strategic move on my part, as I knew it would expose...

Janet Osayande
Mar 30, 20225 min read
I got back into dating and here’s what I’m struggling with
Putting yourself out there again, whether you have been out of the dating game for a few weeks or months, is scary as hell, especially if...

Reem Makari
Mar 15, 20223 min read
Please stop commenting about people's bodies on social media!
The other day as I was scrolling through my For You page on TikTok - like I usually do for hours before bedtime until I pass out with my...

Leslie Angela Blanco
Mar 11, 20225 min read
9 things I've learned as an American living in London for the first time
From Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, to the late Princess Diana and the Queen herself -- London is one of the most significant and...

Emma Green
Mar 8, 20226 min read
"I was left with an 8 cm tear inside my vagina after giving birth."
"As Charlotte Hadley went into labour with her first child, little did she know that she would become yet another harrowing case in the...

Shenead Poroosotum
Mar 3, 20223 min read
Mental health is not an excuse to be a bad person
It can be challenging to talk about mental health. After years of people being ignored and not taken seriously for their conditions,...

Gassy Traore
Feb 24, 20223 min read
My yoga journey to self-compassion
In a world deprived of compassion, my therapist told me last year: "If the world does not give you compassion, give some to yourself."

Kate Byng-Hall
Feb 14, 20223 min read
Why I find Valentine's Day toxic
February is miserable enough as it is. The nights are long, the wind is cold, and it’s ages until Christmas. Then, to top it all off,...

Reem Makari
Feb 14, 20223 min read
9 red flags you should run away from at all costs this Valentine’s Day
The nine red flags you should keep an eye out for on your Valentine's Day date this year.

Janet Osayande
Feb 11, 20225 min read
12 Zodiac signs and how they deal with heartbreak
Astrology can offer an explanation of how different people deal with breakups, as your zodiac sign defines your personality and the way...

Babajide Osikoya
Feb 10, 20225 min read
Debunking the myths surrounding eating disorders in men
The idea of the perfect body is presented to children at a young age, it can be argued that action figures and Barbie dolls...

Reem Makari
Feb 3, 20224 min read
My weight is at its highest since I was 16 and I am happier than ever
My experience with how calorie counting became a top habit of mine and how I learned to grow out of it and accept myself.

Janet Osayande
Jan 25, 20223 min read
How to be your own Valentine all year round
With the most commercialised holiday of all time upon us once more, many may be feeling societal pressure to not be single on the “day of...

Shenead Poroosotum
Jan 20, 20223 min read
How Euphoria's latest episode highlights toxic positivity
Since its debut in 2019, HBO’s Euphoria has been the TV show everyone's talking about. Based on an Israeli show of the same name, the...

Janet Osayande
Jan 17, 20225 min read
New Year, New Me: The importance of the right mindset and nutrition in fitness
When the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, and we celebrate the new year, we not only bid farewell to the previous 12 months, but...

Janet Osayande
Jan 14, 20225 min read
Everyone’s getting their lip fillers dissolved and here’s why I won’t
Ever thought about getting a little bit of filler here or there, but distraught over all the famous faces who seem to be ditching fillers...

Reem Makari
Jan 12, 20224 min read
11 study tips to help you survive assignment week
11 study tips to help you stay organised and take care of your physical and mental health and well-being during assignment deadline week.

Janet Osayande
Jan 11, 20224 min read
I stopped drinking for two months and this is what happened
As someone who has spent the last five years working in bars and restaurants, I have always been surrounded by alcohol. Whether it was...

Janet Osayande
Jan 6, 20227 min read
How to deal with a heartbreak from a girl who’s been through way too many
Now that the cuffing season is coming to an end, you may be going through a heartbreak. And boy do I feel you. Listen, I’m a girl that...

Shenead Poroosotum
Jan 5, 20224 min read
A spot of bother: dealing with acne as a teenager
Spots, zits, pimples… whatever you decide to call them, for some people, they can be easy to ignore and manage. For me, however, they’re...
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