This weekend the Kindred. team attended London Pride and asked fellow participants, "What does Pride mean to you?". It is safe to say that the team was overwhelmed by the sense of community, love and joy that they witnessed. See below to see what Pride means to some of the people Kindred. spoke to (as well as some seriously killer outfits)!

Lucy: "I came out two weeks ago, and this is my first Pride! I’m here today just to celebrate and meet other queer people."
Ash: "Pride means being my authentic self, and why am I here today… For attention."

Tazarte: "Well, I’m gay, so it’s a pleasure for me to be here and represent myself and people like me because we have the right to be as we are."

Robin: "I am here today because I have memories of being at university in the late nineties, being in a pub in Sunderland that had just opened up as a gay bar, and having people threaten to firebomb it – you know we are talking 25 years ago. I think it’s really important to be out there and celebrate who you are, this world, this beautiful country that we live in is so diverse, so we need to be beyond tolerant - we need to accepting of those differences."

Sugarcube: "Pride means to me, equality, solidarity and being together. There are a lot of countries across the world in which LGBTQ+ people can’t be themselves so what we do here and what we are here, is a community."

Lucy: "Pride to me is where we can all come together safely to celebrate each other and feel love!"

Jarel: "I’m here today because I think it’s important to be a presence here as a Black gay priest and also to remember the progress that we need to make in terms of marriage equality and LGBT rights generally. Also, to remind people that the fight is not done and to celebrate!"

Nayano: "One of our friends is in the parade, so we are here to make him feel supported and loved."
What does Pride mean to you? Let us know in the comments!